

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about Hollandirect and our services.

Is your question not there? Feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help you.

How are complaints handled at Hollandirect?2020-11-09T15:03:46+01:00

Although we always do our very best to provide you with the best quality merchandise, something can always go wrong with the quality or transport.

Therefore, we reasonably accept complaints under the following conditions;

  • Do your complaint immediately on the day of receipt, only then we can address the grower, and we will also be compensated, this does not work if you do not complain the next day.
  • Send a clear photo that clearly shows what the problem is, and what quantity it concerns. This is also necessary for us to be able to complain to the grower.
  • Please also include your customer code (the customer code you use to log in to the webshop) in your complaint.
  • Even if you miss something, please report it immediately, so we can always find where the missing party ended up on our camera images in our company, and the camera images of the transporter.
  • Please never deduct an amount from the payment of the invoice! This causes an enormous chaos in your and in our administration. We always make a separate credit invoice for you immediately.

This all sounds very complicated, but in practice it isn’t and in the end it is only needed sporadically.

Which transporters do we work with?2020-11-09T15:06:40+01:00

We work independently with all specially equipped transporters such as Breewel, Arjan Eriks, Freshtrans, Timetrans, De Wit Transport, etc., so that we can deliver to everyone throughout France within a reasonable time.

When can I expect my merchandise?2020-11-09T15:16:02+01:00

The various transporters pick up your prepared trolleys from us in the early afternoon, and from other companies too, to transport them to their own depot where they reload everything into other trucks per destination region (groupage transport).

After that it depends on many variable factors such as; the number of customers per truck, traffic volume and delays on the road, the time that everything is collected at the different companies, etc.

Usually the northern half of France will be delivered in the same night (if you have arranged a key and unloading place for the driver), or in the morning, and the southern half of France in the course of the following afternoon or evening.

Please keep in mind that with public holidays and events usually not delivered at the usual time due to the crowds.

Why should I not buy too early in advance?2020-11-09T15:24:00+01:00

Everything you buy at the webshop will be physically delivered to us the next day, so it will remain with us until the moment of departure. Flowers and plants that you buy on Monday before departure on Friday, for example, will therefore remain with us for 4 days.

In this way we can’t guarantee freshness, and we don’t accept any more complaints.

For accessories and green plants this is not such a big problem, but for flowering plants and flowers 1 or 2 days in advance is really maximum. (If you buy on Friday afternoons and weekends at “Direct from the grower” you will get fresh merchandise from Monday because they already offer what they think they are going to harvest for Monday).

Why should I choose a departure day on the webshop?2020-11-09T15:25:38+01:00

This way, you let everyone at Hollandirect know when we need to reserve transport, and when we need to make your trade ready for transport.

What quality marks are there in the Netherlands?2020-11-09T15:31:58+01:00

We only buy A1 (extra quality) merchandise for our own stock.

But growers also offer A2 and B quality.

Please note this is without complaints! You buy this at your own risk, and Hollandirect, just like the suppliers here, does not accept complaints of anything that is not A1 quality.

A1 is extra, A2 is with a small consideration eg only
crooked or difference of ripeness, B is 2nd quality with multiple defaults.

Furthermore, there are maturity indications for flowers and flowering plants.

2/3 and 3/3 are the right maturity stages, 3/4 is more openend, and 2/2 is very raw.

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